
MA Lighting International GmbH

An der Talle 24-28
33102 Paderborn
+49 52 51 68 88 65 10

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grandMA3 Running Spectacular Maiden’s Tower Installation

Lighting designer Martin Kuhn tapped into the power and reliability of a grandMA3 replay unit to run a spectacular permanent show that he designed for Istanbul’s iconic Maiden’s Tower. The landmark…

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Expo City Dubai Converts to grandMA3

Expo City Dubai is “a human-centric” metropolitan vision of the future currently in the making, and being developed as a large district with offices, homes, exhibition spaces, convention centres and…

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Hamer Hall at Arts Centre Melbourne installs new grandMA3

A new grandMA3 full-size console, a grandMA3 compact XT and a grandMA3 onPC command wing have been delivered and are in action at the 2,466-capacity Hamer Hall, the largest indoor venue at the Arts…

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grandMA3 Guides the Light for the Good Shepherd Church

The Good Shepherd Church in Seongnam, Korea is a busy, active, and dynamic environment running a raft of regular daily, weekly, and monthly performance-based worship services, praise gatherings plus…

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Unique Grandbrothers show at Cologne Cathedral

To celebrate 700 years since the 1322 consecration of the initial eastern part of Cologne’s impressive Gothic cathedral, German piano / electronic music duo Grandbrothers played a unique and truly…

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India’s Hope Unlimited Church uses grandMA3

“It is a perfect choice of console for all types of houses of worship”

Three new grandMA3 lighting consoles – two grandMA3 compact XT, one grandMA3 onPC command wing XT and one grandMA3 onPC command wing – have been purchased by the Hope Unlimited Church in India, in…

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