
MA Lighting International GmbH

An der Talle 24-28
33102 Paderborn
+49 52 51 68 88 65 10

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Service and Support Request

MA Worldwide

Software Download


Software v2.2 Webinar | Recording

If you missed the live webinar about the new features of grandMA3 Software Version 2.2, you can access the recordings from January 23 and 24 here:

Recording 23 January           Recording 24 January

Software Updates

We keep you updated on the latest software releases, with a dedicated playlist highlighting new features and key updates. Don’t miss any new workflows and have a regular look at our Software Playlist.

Software YouTube Playlist

MA Tips

On a regular base we bring you bite-sized tips and tricks videos that give you a closer look at features and functions within our software. Do you want to create a new effect, learn about amazing workflows or get deeper into specific commands?

MA Tips YouTube Playlist

MAking of Videos

In our MAking of videos you will benefit from the various experiences of MA users around the world. With informative interviews and detailed study cases you will get insights directly from the shows and productions the field!

MAking of YouTube Playlist

General Device Type Format (GDTF)

The industry standard: Connecting the whole workflow from design and planning through control. grandMA3 supports the GDTF (General Device Type Format) protocol natively, allowing fixture manufactures to ensure their own fixtures are controlled as intended.

GDTF Training  Creating a GDTF Lighting Fixture

More Video Tutorials

Do you want to find more information on MA products and software? Have a look at further tutorials for grandMA2, dot2 and many more - directly here!

Watch here


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